

Education is not meaning to get diploma, degree or have any kind of specialized knowledge and great quality of general knowledge. All human are educated who knows where to get knowledge when they require, and how to utilize that knowledge into definite plans of action through the assistance of their Master Mind. Henry left School at age of 15 and home at the age of 16 because he was not a good academic student. He did not get a diploma or degree from any colleges. Thomas Alva. Edison had only 3 months of schooling during his entire life and the world know that he did not die poor neither he did not lack education. They had at their command all the specialized knowledge they needed to enable them to become one of the successful men in their life. It is not essential that ideas or knowledge should be from your own mind to go to a particular direction.

Thinking of hardworking men?

If you are one of among who believe honesty and hard work will bring success or riches in any life, get the hell of this thought, it never been true. When the riches come in big quantity, it's neither because of your hard work nor by luck or chance, it comes true when you see a great riches in your powerful imagination which comes from your deep heart, you will never see the riches in your bank account until you have an imagination with the mix of your emotions, just like a legendary said THOUGHT BECOME THINGS . Some ordinary publisher doesn’t know this logic and some publisher who know this but they don't believe on it, that's why they are ordinary publishers. Very few publishers know this logic and they believe on this too, that’s why they become the legendary . Publishers having the thought process like most of the people purchase the title not the inside matter of the book. They learned by barely replacing the title of the book where the graph of selling the...

Human Thought Something But Happened Else . Why??

THINK MUST BEFORE QUITTING There is my ongoing conversation with myself. Nowadays most of the people from all over the world want to become successful and riches there are no doubt that so many people are doing so much hard work to get this. but not everyone get the success in their life this is not because they did less efforts,  there is a REASON OF FAILURE IN EVERY HUMAN IS THE HABIT OF GIVE UP . Let's discuss the example on this. There is a place in Peru a man called S. T. Uarby He was an Insurance agent, one day he discovered a shining ore which was gold he was so happy and excited to bring the ore to the surface quietly. He needed a colleague and machinery for this, and then he remembered one of his friends V. W. Xarby. He covered up the mine, retraced his footsteps to his home in Peru, Uarby told his friend about the shining ore, Uarby had nothing to get the money to buy the machine except his car the he sold it. The Xarby and Uarby went back ...